Leadership Development Meeting | London

Event Details

GBHI gathering at Alzheimer's society 2023

On July 9–10, 2024, Atlantic Fellows from the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and invited stakeholders will gather for a community dinner and a leadership development meeting in London, focusing on building skills to promote brain health equity.

Group Dinner: Dine & Delight!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM
City Spice,138 Brick Ln, London E1 6RU 

Atlantic Fellows from the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) who are attending the Global Atlantic Fellows Annual Convening in Oxford, GBHI team members, and invited stakeholders will gather for a meal hosted by GBHI. Dine and delight at the award-winning City Spice South Asian food restaurant in London’s Brick Lane neighborhood. On the "Curry Lane of London" filled with street art, meet up with new and longtime colleagues committed to brain health equity and enjoy delicious curries in a casual space that is also committed to social responsibility. Mix, mingle, and enjoy a meal together!

Leadership Development Meeting: Building Skills for Leaders in Brain Health

Wednesday, July 10, 2023 from 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM
Alzheimer’s Society, 43-44 Crutched Friars, London, EC3N 2AE

As global brain health leaders, it is important to take time to develop leadership practices and skills for the road ahead. On Wednesday, July 10, Atlantic Fellows from GBHI will have the chance to reflect on the journey over the past year and where that brings us today, strategies to communicate efforts to an audience unfamiliar with the technical areas of dementia, how to propel research into action, and active listening as leaders. The GBHI Leadership Development Meeting with co-hosts and partners from the Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Disease International will be an opportunity to pause, practice, and put in place new leadership approaches to carry forward in promoting brain health equity locally and globally. After the meeting, Atlantic Fellows and GBHI teams will continue on to Oxford to participate in the Global Atlantic Fellow Annual Convening 2024 hosted by the Atlantic Institute


Develop leadership skills related to: 

  • Grounding: As we reunite after your initial years at GBHI, reflect on where you’ve been, where you’re going, and the values that guide you.
  • Communications: Gain strategies to communicate who you are and what your work is to a broader audience.
  • Action: Explore how to propel research into action. 
  • Listening: Understand new ways, with guidance from the arts, to engage in active listening as leaders. 

Audience & Participants


PART 1: 9:00 AM - 1:45 PM

Breakfast + Networking, Casual Introductions, Tour 

Welcome & Context-Setting

  • Katherine Gray, Head of Research, Alzheimer’s Society
  • Mary Sherrington, Alzheimer’s Society Research Network Volunteer
  • Victor Valcour, Site Director, GBHI, University of California San Francisco (UCSF)

Leadership & Grounding: Reflections on the Reintegration Year - Lessons, Laughs, and Learning

A key aspect of leadership practice is pausing and reflecting authentically back on where you’ve been and where you’re going. We grow from taking time to consider values such as the GBHI AFORCE (authenticity, fairness, openness, respect, courage, and empathy), moments of exercising these values, and how sharing examples of learning and growth help peers in their journeys.

With introductions and framing setting the tone - from hosts who are practitioners of taking stock to strengthen future decisions - hear from four interdisciplinary peers in the Atlantic Fellows community. Speakers will be followed by an open group discussion.

  • Introduction: Camellia Latta, Program Director for Alumni Relations & Special Initiatives, GBHI, UCSF

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health

Panelists, 2022 Cohort:


Leadership & Communications: Communicating Your Work to a Broader Audience

As leaders in brain health, it is important to be able to share your message and work with those who don’t have a brain health background. How do you talk about yourself with peers from other fields? This session will focus on creating excitement around your work, research, and who you are as a professional when speaking to people from broader audiences.

During this interactive time, gain tips for giving a great “elevator speech” when you meet others who aren’t familiar with terms like “cognition,” and try out promising practices in impactful communications. Explain the “so what?” From talking to a peer, donor, person with lived experience, and more – have a memorable and exciting message! 

  • Introduction: Elisabetta Favero, Global Network Manager, GBHI, Trinity College Dublin (Trinity)
  • Sian Gregory, Research Grants Manager, Alzheimer’s Society


Leadership in Action: How Can Research Enact Change?

This session is about taking your knowledge and putting it into action! Explore how to use your research – particularly thinking of your GBHI Pilot research – to inform policy and practice on the ground. Hear colleagues’ experiences in applying their research to influence work in the field and policy, particularly in low- and middle-income settings.

Introduction & Moderator: 

  • Cherie Nyota, Senior Research Grants Officer, Alzheimer’s Society
  • Fiona Carragher, Director of Research & Influencing, Alzheimer’s Society
  • Wendy Weidner, Director of Research & Publications, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health: 


PART 2: 1:45 - 3:15 PM

Brain Boost 

Leadership in Action (Continued): How Can Research Enact Change? — Part 2/Breakout Groups 

Leadership & Listening: What Do the Creative Arts Teach Us About Active Listening & Leadership?

Experience through an interactive, peer-led session how engaging in arts practices provide lessons for broader leadership skills with active listening to others and skills for meaningful dialogue.

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health: 

Closing & Group Photo

Closing Reflections:

Thank You's & Logistics: 


For questions, please contact Camellia Latta, camellia.latta@gbhi.org.