
Thiago Avelino-Silva, MD, PhD

Academic Geriatrician

Education and awareness should be foremost in our efforts to fight global brain health inequity.

Current Work

Thiago is an academic geriatrician and researcher who has focused his academic activities on the care of acutely ill older adults. His main research interest is exploring the clinical context in which delirium occurs and understanding its long-term effects on cognition, function, and survival.

Personal Hero

Prof. Sharon K. Inouye

Words of Strength

Open-mindedness, Diligence, Collaboration


In countries like Brazil, where disparities extend to most aspects of society, persons living with dementia and their needs are often invisible. Thiago believes education and awareness should be foremost in our efforts to fight global brain health inequity.


Thiago is establishing an international network to look into the underdiagnosis and outcomes of hospitalized older adults with dementia. The network will also serve as a platform for providers to learn about dementia-related issues.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Thiago aims to develop leadership and communication skills that will help bring awareness regarding the substantial gaps in the quality of hospital care for older adults with dementia in Brazil.


In Brazil, a substantial proportion of hospitalized older adults have undiagnosed cognitive impairment or dementia, which increases their vulnerability to adverse outcomes, including delirium, disability, and inappropriate prescription.