
Sara Silvia Kochen, MD, PhD

Neurologist, Clinical Researcher

We need to promote greater physical and social engagement for older people.

Current Work

Silvia is the Director of Neurosciences and Complex Systems Unit at Hospital El Cruce in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is also a researcher at National Council of Scientific and Technology Research and a professor on the Faculty of Medicine at University National of Buenos Aires.


Personal Hero

Jean Bancaud, Juan Azcoaga, Brian Lawlor

Words of Strength

Building health networks


Silvia plans to create a research database that will allow her team to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and develop a larger project focusing on older people and dementia in F. Varela across: clinical care, brain health promotion and research.


Silvia and her team developed a program of cognitive intervention and improvement of quality of life, based on knowledge of family farming approaches and agroecology, in an older population with memory impairment.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Silvia learned the management of patients, the organization for hospitalized patients, and, in the community from the health service, the training and optimization of the human resources, as well as the best diagnostic procedures and non-pharmacological treatment options.


Silvia works in one of the poorest region of her country. In 2016, she helped establish a Memory Clinic to promote greater physical and social engagement for the older population there.