Researcher in Dementia
We need to address the intersection between age, dementia and cultural difference in policy and practice around dementia care, in both institutional care and in the community.
Language arcs toward the place where meaning may lie
To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we need to address the intersection between age, dementia and cultural difference in policy and practice around dementia care, in both institutional care and in the community.
Moïse is exploring the psychosocial dimensions and cultural factors that shape how people of Black ethnicity experience and respond to dementia, and their interactions and expectations of health and social care services.
Moïse aims to improve experiences and outcomes for Black families living with dementia, by delivering a framework for an inclusive culturally-informed dementia care pathway to inform policymakers.
Redressing dementia narratives that pathologize cultural difference as shortcomings of Black and minority ethnic populations.
Moïse is a Researcher in dementia at UCL, Division of Psychiatry, where he completed his master's degree in Dementia: Causes, Treatments and Research. He is currently in the final months of his PhD at UCL while working on various dementia and later life related projects.
a NoteHave ideas for global brain health or a collaboration? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an introductory note.