Service Designer and Social Entrepreneur
We need to build collective conversations around brain health and co-create strategies to meet the long-term social, emotional and physical care needs of persons living with dementia and carers.
Melissa works with health and community care organisations to lead service design, innovation, and growth projects. She is President of the World Young Leaders in Dementia (WYLD) Network, and Founder of Project We Forgot, a platform for caregivers that provides access to support resources across the dementia care journey.
My Father
Listen, empathize, connect, co-create, build
To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we need to build collective conversations around brain health and co-create strategies to meet the long-term social, emotional and physical care needs of persons living with dementia and carers.
Melissa uses design and development as tools to provide intervention for persons living with dementia and their carers. These solutions aim to increase personalisation, lower barriers for seeking help, and improve the quality of life for users.
Melissa is looking to dive deeper in the design to support individuals across the continuum of health and disease. By working with Atlantic Fellows from different backgrounds, she aims to scale brain health awareness and intervention strategies in her region.
Singapore's aging population will mean a higher incidence of dementia and caregiver burnout. Melissa believes that we must collectively tackle the issues from several angles to support healthy and at-risk populations and individuals living with dementia and their carers.
Melissa has worked with health and community care organisations in Asia, including the Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA) Singapore, and ECON Healthcare Group, to lead service design, innovation, solution development, and growth projects. She was formerly Head of Community and Outreach at Homage, an on-demand technology care solution, where she led growth and partnerships with governmental agencies, healthcare institutions, and community partners in Singapore and Malaysia.
Melissa is President of the World Young Leaders in Dementia (WYLD) Network, and Founder of Project We Forgot, a platform for caregivers that provides access to support resources across the dementia care journey. Melissa’s work is inspired by her father who was diagnosed with young-onset dementia when she was 14.
a NoteHave ideas for global brain health or a collaboration? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an introductory note.