
Gráinne McGettrick, MA

Social Scientist

When an acquired brain injury happens, the most efficient way of reducing the impact is to provide timely and effective neuro-rehabilitation to maximize the outcomes for the individual.

Current Work

Gráinne currently works as the Research and Policy Manager in Acquired Brain Injury Ireland. She is responsible for the strategic development of the organization’s research and policy agenda. The work includes developing research partnerships, collaborations, and alliances, developing and growing the organization’s research capacity, securing research funding and creating opportunities for knowledge transfer and networking. Her work also includes engaging in policy analysis, stakeholder engagement and political advocacy to campaign to improve the lives of people with brain injury and their families.

Personal Hero

Disability rights activists

Words of Strength

Harness the power of the collective voice


When an acquired brain injury (ABI) happens, the most efficient way of reducing the impact is to provide timely and effective neuro-rehabilitation to maximize the outcomes for the individual. The scale of brain injury can also be reduced through primary prevention.


Gráinne works at the exciting interface of the research/policy/advocacy arenas. Her expertise is policy advocacy and generating the evidence base to bring about policy change to address the multiple inequities for this disempowered and hidden population.


Gráinne aims to increase awareness of ABI among key policy stakeholders, use evidence as a policy tool, have more equitable access to ABI services and supports and to contribute to reducing the overall societal impact of brain injury.


People with acquired brain injury do not have equitable access to services in Ireland. They live lesser lives, are denied their basic rights. They do not have the opportunity to reach their potential, often existing on the margins of our society.



 a Note

Have ideas for global brain health or a collaboration? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an introductory note.