Creative Brainwaves Talks: Dublin | May 16, 21 & 22
Event Details

The Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) is delighted to invite you to a three-part series of talks and workshops during dlr Festival of Inclusion 2024 exploring how engaging in creative arts can improve your brain health.
These talks, curated and facilitated by Mike Hanrahan, Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute, Trinity College Dublin will feature neuroscientists, psychologists, researchers, people with dementia and their carers, people with acquired brain injury, brain health activists and creative artists who work to improve brain health.
Join us to learn how art, singing, music, dance, poetry and writing can stimulate your senses and improve cognition. There is always a special welcome for people interested in brain health, people living with dementia, acquired brain injury and their caregivers at each session.
Local support organisations including Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, Living Well with Dementia & Social Prescribing for Health & Wellbeing DLR will also be present at these sessions.
Talks are FREE, but a booking is required for each event.
Tea and coffee will be provided from 30 min prior to each talk.
Series Overview
- Thursday, May 16th | The Art of Hope — Acquired Brain Injury
- Tuesday, May 21st | The Art of Living — Younger Onset Dementia
- Wednesday, May 22nd | The Poetry of Dance for Brain Health
dlr Lexicon Library, Moran Park, Dun Laoghaire, A96 H283. All events take place in the Studio Theatre, Ground Floor
Talks & Speakers
The Art of Hope - Acquired Brain Injury
Thursday, May 16th | 11:00am-1:00pm UTC+1
- Dr Karen Foley: Chief Executive Officer of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland
- Gráinne McGettrick: Policy & Research Manager with Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, GBHI
- Paul O’Brien: Artist living with a Brain Injury

The Art of Living – Younger Onset Dementia
Tuesday, May 21st | 6:30-8:30pm UTC+1
- Dr Kevin Quaid: Author and Co-founder of Lewy Body Ireland
- Helena Quaid: Carer: Author and Co-founder of Lewy Body Ireland and Chair of Dementia Carers Campaign Network and member of Dementia Research Advisory Team
- Helen Rochford-Brennan: Global Dementia Ambassador, Vice Chair of the Irish Dementia Working Group and member of the Board of Alzheimer Europe
- Carmel Geoghegan: Founder of Dementia Ireland Empowering Communities
- Eleanor Edmond: Advocacy and Human Rights Consultant, member of Alzheimer Society's Expert Advisory Panel and Research Ethics Committee of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland

The Poetry of Dance for Brain Health
Wednesday, May 22nd | 11:00am-1:00pm UTC+1
- Ian Robertson: Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Founding Director of Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity College Dublin
- Julie Feeney: Singer-songwriter, composer, actress, carer and record producer
- Anusha Yasoda-Mohan: Perceptual Neuroscientist, Dancer and Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health, GBHI
- Veronica Casey: Poet, writer, teacher

For further information and email/phone booking please contact dlr Lexicon at:
- Phone: +353 1 280 1147
- Email:
All are welcome to attend and there is always a special welcome for people living with dementia and their caregivers at each session.
Talks are free but advance booking is required.
Fellows and Faculty Mentioned

Mike Hanrahan
Author, songwriter, musician, performer

Gráinne McGettrick, MA
Social Scientist

Ian Robertson, MPhil, PhD, FTCD
Founding Director, Trinity College Dublin

Anusha Yasoda-Mohan, PhD