
Brenda Pérez Cerpa, MD

Internist, Geriatrician

Until there is a curative treatment, being able to offer people support and tools to cope with dementia is of the utmost importance.

Current Work

Brenda Pérez Cerpa is a geriatric medicine specialist from Mexico. 

Education & Experience

Brenda Pérez Cerpa received her medical degree from Universidad de Guadalajara in 2010. Following that, she completed a four-year Internal Medicine residency program at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara. Pérez Cerpa then traveled to Mexico City to pursue clinical training in Geriatrics at Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición, where she completed a two-year fellowship program. During her training in this National Institute, she assessed, diagnosed, and treated numerous patients in the Geriatrics department’s memory clinic. There, Pérez Cerpa had the opportunity to conduct a research project regarding the correlates between renal function and cognitive performance in older adults.