Cartoon walking down street
Project Type - GBHI Projects

No Pressure

Establishing if health literacy regarding dementia risk and hypertension can be improved.
Northern Europe


The main aim of the No Pressure project was to develop and distribute an online animated film intervention to improve health literacy by raising awareness of hypertension as a risk factor for dementia and encourage preventative action. A survey was developed to evaluate participants pre- and post- viewing of the film. The intervention provided participants with knowledge about blood pressure and dementia that they previously did not have; participants indicated that they intend to make changes to their lifestyle after viewing the film. Additionally, awareness of the impact of high blood pressure on brain health was increased. Results suggest that the animated film intervention is effective in conveying the desired message.

You might already know that high blood pressure isn’t good for your heart, but did you know that it isn’t good for your brain either?

Sabina Brennan
Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin
Cartoon of doctor checking blood pressure