Street in Havana, Cuba
Project Type - Pilot Projects

Digital Technology to Support Cognitive Assessment and Dementia Diagnosis

Using digital technology to screen for dementia in primary care in Cuba
Latin America & Caribbean


The Cuban population is one of the oldest in Latin America with a prevalence rate of dementia syndrome between 6–10 percent. Consequently, early and accurate diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders (NCDs) is crucial. Preliminary data on the use of the Tablet-based Cognitive Assessment Tool (TabCAT) showed promise in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. This study aims to assess the feasibility and acceptability of TabCAT to screen for MCI and dementia in primary care in Cuba.

Project Details

The project will be conducted in three randomly selected catchment areas. The sample will be 200 respondents. Primary care practitioners, neurologists, geriatricians, and psychiatrists will be trained on a questionnaire on dementia assessment and management in primary care settings that assesses clinical practice, attitudes, perceived barriers, and gaps in the knowledge during the diagnosis and management of patients with NCDs.

We expect lack of time, human resources and technology, non-financial plan, and inadequate expertise to educate patients and families will be the most commonly cited barriers for diagnosis and management of cognitive decline or dementia patients from primary care. The engagement, attitudes of PCPs, and budget implications need to be explored prior to implementing any intervention for the diagnosis of dementia or MCI in primary care areas in Cuba.