
Umesh Bogati, MD, MBBS


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we should have multisectorial and multidimensional involvement to create awareness and cost effective diagnosis and treatment.

Current Work

Umesh has been working as a Geriatrician and COVID Coordinator at NAMS, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. He is involved with National Health Training Center, Ministry of Health & Population and Ministry of Women, Children & Senior Citizen as an expert.

Personal Hero

Mother Teresa, Patch Adams, My father

Words of Strength

Honest, Empathetic, Helpful, Social Worker


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we should have multisectorial, multidimensional involvement with the team of experts and networks helping in lobbying the policy makers to create awareness and cost effective diagnosis and treatment.


With the knowledge and science, Umesh wants to increase awareness about the risk factors of dementia and the prevention.