
Tavia Evans, BSc, MSc, PhD


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia we need to encourage more interdisciplinary and global collaborative research. 

Current Work

Tavia's research focuses on imaging of neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, she aims to investigate imaging biomarkers of neurodegeneration across global populations through international collaborations and the development of more accessible neuroimaging methods.

Personal Hero

My Father

Words of Strength

Connection, creativity, advocacy


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia we need to encourage more interdisciplinary and global collaborative research. This will result in more creative and widely applicable solutions that can benefit global populations.


Tavia is bringing together physicists, engineers, bioinformaticians, neurologists and epidemiologists to investigate the utility of low-field MRI for dementia research and care in regions where standard neuroimaging is not accessible.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Tavia aims to develop novel approaches for researching neurodegeneration in currently under-represented global regions, leading to improved knowledge and care.


Despite global disparities in the prevalence of old-age diseases, the majority of research is undertaken within a single population demographic. Tavia aims to bridge the knowledge gap in neurodegeneration imaging across different populations.

Education & Experience

Tavia received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Cardiff University, Wales. She then obtained a Master's in Clinical Epidemiology at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) within Erasmus MC, the Netherlands, and concurrently began her PhD in Clinical Neuroscience at Kings Collage London, England. Following the completion of her PhD she returned to Erasmus MC as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the departments of Radiology, and Clinical Genetics.

Awards & Honors

Neuroimaging of Dementia and Methodological Heterogeneity
Women in Science Award
Alzheimer Nederland
Advanced Techniques for Global Dementia Imaging
InterAct Grant
Alzheimer Nederland
Global Imaging of Neurodegeneration
Early Career Award



 a Note

Have ideas for global brain health or a collaboration? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an introductory note.