
Miriam Galvin, PhD, MSc, MA

Academic Researcher

Informal caregivers play an essential part in providing care to people with dementia.

Current Work

Miriam is an Associate Professor in Research Methodology in the Academic Unit of Neurology at Trinity College Dublin. She tracks patient and caregiver journeys and interaction with health services, as well as conceptualizes and assesses the quality of life and caregiver experiences.

Personal Hero

Gitta Serena, Viktor Frankl, Anita Lasker

Words of Strength

Listen and try to understand


To reduce the impact of dementia, we need to provide services personalized to the individual.


Through mixed methods research studies, Miriam is tracking people with neurodegeneration and their caregivers, to try to understand their experiences and quality of life.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Miriam gained a greater understanding of the lifestyle factors that impact on health in later life, and how health services and experiences differ across geographical, social, and political contexts.


Informal caregivers play an essential part in providing care to people with dementia.

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