
Mataa Mataa, MBCHB


We must begin to have frank conversations about dementia, its impact on quality of life for persons with dementia and their caregivers and how we can build communities of care for persons with dementia.

Current Work

Neurologist at a first level government hospital. Advocating for awareness about dementia through a community-based organization called Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in Zambia (ADDIZ)

Personal Hero

My Mentor, Dr Deanna Saylor

Words of Strength

Empathy, Team Building and Planning


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we must begin to have frank conversations about dementia, its impact on quality of life for persons with dementia and their caregivers and how we can build communities of care for persons with dementia.


Very little is known about dementia in Zambia, this leads to significant stigma and delay in diagnosis for persons with dementia in Zambia. Mataa aims to increase awareness of dementia and improve access to health services for persons with dementia.