
Lorna Roe, PhD, MSc

Academic Health Services Researcher

It is essential that the needs of older people with dementia are visible to, and understood by, policy makers and service planners.

Current Work

Lorna is a Research Assistant Professor at the Centre for Health Policy and Management in Trinity College Dublin.


Dementia commonly increases the need for medical and social care where functional limitations are experienced. However, people living with dementia often have difficulties accessing healthcare and social care, and informal carers often provide the bulk of initial care.


Lorna has investigated how older people with complex needs access health care and the implications for the design of an integrated healthcare system.


Lorna believes there is limited evidence on how older people living with dementia use the ‘whole’ system of healthcare in Ireland. She believes that it is essential that this knowledge gap is filled so that the needs of older people with dementia are visible to, and understood by, policy makers and service planners.