
Kiggundu Rodney Erismas, BFA


We need to create intentional art based interventions that foster a collaborative and preventive approach.

Current Work

Kiggundu Rodney is a Visual Artist, Cultural Practitioner, & Social activist focused on engaging youth in self discovery & productivity through promoting knowledge & skills integration to advance the Arts, Culture, Health and prosperous communities.

Personal Hero

My Mother

Words of Strength

Art, Healing, Compassion, Connection


We need to create intentional art based interventions that foster a collaborative and preventive approach that brings together all stakeholders to engage and create awareness in efforts to reduce the prevalence of dementia in our communities.


Kiggundu curates collaborative and creative art interventions in Uganda through visual art and storytelling workshops to create awareness about the role of art in improving wellbeing, cognitive and brain health for both young and ageing populations.


Kiggundu intends to leverage his visual art experience to develop sustainable art programs focused on geriatric care & cognitive health in Uganda with a goal of promoting empathy & healthy ageing while raising awareness about the impact of dementia.


Given the limited awareness and stigma attached to dementia in Uganda, Kiggundu plans to utilise the power of art for advocacy, research and creative experimentation to enhance dementia prevention, awareness, creative care, and support in Uganda.