
José David López Hincapié, MSc, PhD (Eng)

Electronic Engineer

Making an impact on dementia is a lifelong endeavor. We must combine best practice with preventive medicine throughout all stages of life.

Current Work

Full professor at bio-engineering program, University of Antioquia, with research and teaching responsibilities in under- and post-graduate programs.

Personal Hero

Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie

Words of Strength

Discipline, problem solving, diplomacy, technical efficiency, teaching


Making an impact on dementia is a lifelong endeavor. We must combine best practice with preventive medicine throughout all stages of life. Early identification of social determinants of health is critical for understanding and taking appropriate action.


José is leading an initiative to bring better brain screening devices to Colombia. The new generation of magnetometers offers the potential for improved diagnoses, but numerous technical challenges must be addressed before they can be implemented in a developing country.


As an Atlantic Fellow, José aims to improve the capabilities of the Colombian health system and research environment to expand our understanding of the country's specific dementia conditions.


The decades-long Colombian conflict has created a particular social and economic environment that has shown to be chronically detrimental to the population's brain health.

Education & Experience

José received his engineering diploma from the University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. He graduated with a Master's degree in Engineering from the same University and received his PhD in Engineering from the National University of Colombia. After completing his PhD, José joined the University of Antioquia as an associate and then full professor of the bio-engineering program.

Awards & Honors

Neuroimage Journal
Editors Choice Award


José David

 a Note

Have ideas for global brain health or a collaboration? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to send an introductory note.