Joe Harbison, MB, MD, FRCP

Associate Professor of Medical Gerontology

Addressing population vascular risks will help reduce prevalence of dementia and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Current Work

Consultant in stroke and neurovascular medicine; Academic Geriatrician; Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin

Personal Hero

Richard Feynman

Words of Strength

Reorganizing systems using limited resource


Even without specific treatments for dementia, we already have tools to reduce its impact. Addressing population vascular risks will help to reduce prevalence of dementia in addition to reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.


Joe is a stroke physician with an interest in early detection and identification of vascular risks and in the relation between atrial fibrillation and dementia. Joe is also responsible for the oversight of the training of future doctors and therapists in Trinity College Dublin.


Stroke and cerebrovascular disease are common preventable causes of cognitive decline. Stroke prevention and treatment can help achieve reductions in prevalence of disability, dementia and cognitive impairment. Incorporating education concerning dementia and cognitive impairment in undergraduate curricula helps create the next generation of clinicians skilled in dementia care.