
Hany Ibrahim, MD, MSc, PhD

Consultant Geriatrician, Senior Lecturer

We need a holistic approach that accommodates caregivers, families, social networks, and health care providers.

Current Work

Hany is a consultant Geriatrician and Senior lecturer at Ain Shams University Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. He is also the co-founder of Ain Shams cognitive training Lab and the East Mediterranean Brain Health Initiative. He is working to use modern technology and software platforms for early detection and diagnosis of dementia.

Personal Hero

Prophet Mohammed

Words of Strength

Innovation, empowerment, building capacity


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we need a holistic approach that accommodates caregivers, families, social networks, health care providers to handle this problem in addition to policy-makers and stakeholders changing the narrative of the national plan.


Hany is using computerized cognitive assessment and training for the first time in Egypt as an intervention for people with mild cognitive impairment. He believes this innovative method will help to fill the gap of knowledge and expertise in Egypt.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Hany is in close contact with many professionals around the globe from different disciplines. This has broadened his scope of management of dementia. This harboring environment enables the fellows to exchange knowledge and build their capacity.


Dementia is a challenging disease among elderly in Egypt. The prevalence of dementia is still underestimated which needs dedicated efforts from both governmental and private sector to tackle this distressing problem that affects patients and the whole family as well.