
Corrina Grimes, RD, MSc

Registered Dietitian

We need to ensure that those who are living with dementia have their quality of life optimized through a palliative care approach.

Current Work

Corrina is Head of Business Change at Encompass Northern Ireland, a health and social care system initiative that introduces a digital, integrated care record to Northern Ireland. During COVID-19 she's been redeployed to the Department of Health for Northern Ireland to support in the areas of workforce and palliative and end of life care.

Personal Hero

Chuck Feeney

Words of Strength

Making connections and joining the dots


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, Corrina believes we need to ensure that those who are living with dementia and those important to that person have their quality of life optimized through a palliative care approach.


Corrina is working to ensure that from policy to practice, the palliative and end of life care needs of those with dementia are identified and addressed.


As an Atlantic Fellow, she's increased the efficiency of how research is translated into policy and practice. Recently she's been invited to act as a research supervisor for the Department of Health in Northern Health and Ulster University.


It has been recognized the need for a palliative care approach for those living with dementia, and those important to them (carers).