Arun Bokde, PhD

Associate Professor in Neuroimaging

We need to encourage learning about disease risks and supporting lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Current Work

Arun's main research interests are in understanding how large scale brain networks function, but also how breakdowns in such networks lead to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). He has led an international project to develop training resources for the application of neuroimaging to the diagnostic process of AD patients.

Personal Hero

Santiago Ramon y Cajal

Words of Strength

Wide ranging interests


Arun believes we need to encourage learning about disease risks and supporting lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of developing dementia, as well as supporting the development of new approaches to tackling the impact of dementia on patients and their families.


Arun's research is focused on using neuroimaging to understand the early changes in the brain due to the disease to help develop tools for diagnosis and disease prognosis.


A combination of basic and applied research will develop our understanding of the impact of risk factors for dementia on the brain. Translating this knowledge to develop interventions to prevent cognitive impairment and improve quality of life for older populations.

Education & Experience

Dr Bokde is Associate Professor in Neuroimaging in the Discipline of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) leading the Cognitive Systems Group and is a Principal Investigator in the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the National Institute on Aging and at the National Institute of Mental Health (National Institutes of Health, USA), and later was a Research Scientist at Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich, Germany). He obtained his PhD at the University of Texas at Austin.

Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich, Germany)
Research Scientist
National Institute on Aging and at the National Institute of Mental Health (National Institutes of Health, USA)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Texas at Austin

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