
Agustín Ibáñez, PhD


We need to develop a common voice based on research and diversity, favoring capacity building and implementation science, empowering local ideas in a global networking landscape.

Current Work

Agustín holds various regional/international positions, including director of Latin American Brain Health Institute (BrainLat) at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and Professor in Global Brain Health at GBHI in Trinity College. He is founder and codirector of the ReDLat consortium aimed at fighting dementia collaboratively.

Personal Hero

Nietzsche and his daughters

Words of Strength

Latin American fan, network builder


To reduce the scale and impact of dementia, we need to develop a common voice based on research and diversity, favoring capacity building and implementation science, empowering local ideas in a global networking landscape, and transforming challenges into opportunities.


Agustín is committed to making a significant impact on global brain health. He leads multicentric research that addresses environmental factors, including social and physical exposomes, and their interactions with biological processes in aging and dementia across diverse populations.


As an Atlantic Fellow, Agustín gained a deeper knowledge of regional networking in dementia research. The Atlantic Fellows program helped him dream big, change lives, and make a huge impact.


Latin America and the Majority World are regions of incredible beauty, heterogeneity, and cultural crossbreeding. These areas also face significant challenges in human development and brain health. Combining research, innovation, and capacity building is critical for creating sustainable futures.