Letters of Support: Guidelines for Writers

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Letters of Support for the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Program must be submitted via an automated electronic form.

Letter writers will receive a link to the form to type or paste their letter of support after the applicant submits the application. It is advised that letters writers complete a final draft of the letter prior to receiving the link.

Letter writers are requested to address the suitability of the candidate for the fellowship experience.

Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health have the opportunity to apply for funds to implement a pilot project in their home region of work upon completion of the program. Historically, the most successful projects were those with local support. We are looking for Atlantic Fellows who demonstrate leadership potential and have a support network beyond the Global Brain Health Institute. Specifically, GBHI seeks applicants with robust support networks committed to the future career and ambition of the applicant on return to the Fellow's home community. These support networks may include current and past partners, institutions, organizations, employers and groups.

These letters should demonstrate a long-term commitment to supporting the fellow and their work after they have completed GBHI's Atlantic Fellows program.

Please include in the letter:

  1. Please introduce yourself and include your position.
  2. How long you have known the applicant and in what context.
  3. Explain why you think the applicant is a good fit for the fellowship.
  4. Provide specific examples of what the applicant has accomplished.
  5. If relevant, describe a time that the applicant impressed you.

Thank you for agreeing to write a letter of support for an Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health applicant!


Please email: apply@gbhi.org