Predisposition to domain-wide maladaptive changes in predictive coding in auditory phantom perception
Neuroimage. 2022 Mar;248:118813. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118813. Epub 2021 Dec 17.
Tinnitus is hypothesised to be a predictive coding problem. Previous research indicates lower sensitivity to prediction errors (PEs) in tinnitus patients while processing auditory deviants corresponding to tinnitus-specific stimuli. However, based on research with patients with hallucinations and no psychosis we hypothesise tinnitus patients may be more sensitive to PEs produced by auditory stimuli that are not related to tinnitus characteristics. Specifically in patients with minimal to no hearing loss, we hypothesise a more top-down subtype of tinnitus that may be driven by maladaptive changes in an auditory predictive coding network. To test this, we use an auditory oddball paradigm with omission of global deviants, a measure that is previously shown to empirically characterise hierarchical prediction errors (PEs). We observe: (1) increased predictions characterised by increased pre-stimulus response and increased alpha connectivity between the parahippocampus, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and parahippocampus, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and posterior cingulate cortex; (2) increased PEs characterised by increased P300 amplitude and gamma activity and increased theta connectivity between auditory cortices, parahippocampus and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in the tinnitus group; (3) increased overall feed-forward connectivity in theta from the auditory cortex and parahippocampus to the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; (4) correlations of pre-stimulus theta activity to tinnitus loudness and alpha activity to tinnitus distress. These results provide empirical evidence of maladaptive changes in a hierarchical predictive coding network in a subgroup of tinnitus patients with minimal to no hearing loss. The changes in pre-stimulus activity and connectivity to non-tinnitus specific stimuli suggest that tinnitus patients not only produce strong predictions about upcoming stimuli but also may be predisposed to stimulus a-specific PEs in the auditory domain. Correlations with tinnitus-related characteristics may be a biomarker for maladaptive changes in auditory predictive coding.
PMID:34923130 | DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118813