GBHI Annual Report 2020–2021 Available Now
The Global Brain Health Institute is delighted to share this annual report for a year that marks a significant five-year milestone for our equity-based program. In these critical early years of our Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program, we have trained 146 fellows from 42 countries. In September 2021, we welcomed 28 new fellows, expanding into four new countries.
The growth of our community fuels our efforts towards brain health
equity. Despite the challenges we continue to face with a global pandemic, collaborative work within the global alumni network is thriving. In this report you will learn about many of these accomplishments that range from awareness of neurodegenerative disorders for speech therapists, use of advanced statistical tools to understand large datasets, and practice of art to reduce stigma in aging and dementia. Furthermore, a new Horizon 2020 grant
led by Atlantic Fellows was launched to understand complex brain disorders.
Our program continues to adapt as we reflect, learn, and improve. New modules elevating patient participant voice (PPV) are now being delivered. GBHI has also strengthened our Governing Board adding two critical voices from the global south. Tracey Naledi and Andrea Slachevsky. We are delighted to welcome them.
Our faculty are a key part of our brain health equity work. We continue to expand our community work with annual Equity Awards, as highlighted in this issue with an award to advance cognitive testing for Chinese language speaking adults. We also celebrate the awarding of a grant establishing Dementia Trials Ireland.
Through new collaborations, GBHI is delivering key community resources around brain health and housing, music, theater, and art. A new institute in Chile modeled on the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program is extending our impact in Latin America.
We hope you enjoy reading about all of these stories and more. We share deep gratitude to our community members and supporters.