Dementia Inclusive Design Audit 2020

Dementia: Understand Together, the national dementia awareness campaign (National Dementia Strategy Implementation Plan 2014) led by the Health Service Executive, aims to raise a better awareness and understanding of dementia and to inspire people to take actions to support and include people with dementia and their families in their communities.
Primary Care services are an integral part of community as they cover many of the health or social care services in the community, outside of the hospital setting. This includes GPs, Public Health Nurses and a range of other Health and Social Care Professionals services provided through the Local Primary Care Centres.
To ensure that all primary care centres in Ireland are accessible for people with dementia and other people with cognitive, sensory or physical impairments, the campaign commissioned a project, examining the walkability of a centre, namely the Clonbrusk Primary Care Centre in Athlone.
The audit was carried out by Fiona Walsh, of DDS Architects Ltd., specialists in inclusive design, who provide design and consultancy services to create ‘enabling inclusive environments’ for people living with dementia, people with cognitive, sensory and/or physical impairments and the elderly.
A steering group was formed with representatives of the Clonbrusk Primary Care Centre, the National Dementia Office, Age Friendly Ireland and Dementia: Understand Together to support the audit and dissemination of findings. (See appendix 2)
Age Friendly Ireland, a shared service of local government hosted by Meath County Council, is a key partner to the campaign and promotes walkability audits across the country. In conjunction with the HSE estates they are developing a toolkit and guiding document for the walkability of Primary Care Centres. Findings of the Primary Care Centre dementia inclusive design audit in Athlone will inform this toolkit.
We would like to acknowledge Anne Naughton PCC, centre manager, and the staff members who work in the PCC for their time and support to the project team to undertake the audit.

Fiona Walsh, FRIAI, RIBA, ARB

Greg Walsh
Life Science Executive