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Apply to Atlantic Fellowship for Equity in Brain Health
Fellows Directory
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Who We Are
Who We Are
The Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) is dedicated to protecting the world’s aging populations from threats to brain health.
UCSF & Trinity Collaboration
UCSF & Trinity Collaboration
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Trinity College Dublin (Trinity) have formed a strong partnership based on shared values and vision.
Our Leadership
Our Leadership
GBHI's leadership team shares our global ambitions of equity and a passion to support our talented fellows and the diverse communities we serve.
Annual Report
Annual Report
The annual report shares an overview of activities and highlights from the GBHI community.
Work With Us
Career Opportunities at GBHI
From time to time, positions become available to join the GBHI team at University of California, San Francisco or Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Our Approach
The Global Problem
Our Impact
Equity and Brain Health
Protect Your Brain Health
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Contact Us
Our Network
Fellows Directory
Fellows Directory
The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health are a unique cohort of highly networked interprofessional leaders that are experts in brain health and dementia prevention.
Faculty & Staff Directory
Faculty & Staff Directory
The faculty of GBHI is composed of interdisciplinary experts from UCSF and Trinity. Our staff includes a wide range of expertise in program administration, technology, and more.
Faculty Expertise
Faculty Expertise
Faculty expertise includes the fields of neurodegeneration, mental health, aging, dementia prevention, brain health, health economics, policy, technology, and more.
Partners & Collaborators
Partners, Affiliates & Collaborators
Partners and collaborators offer specific resources and opportunities to advance shared goals to prevent dementia and protect brain health.
Atlantic Fellows Programs
Global Atlantic Fellows Program
The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program is one of seven global, interconnected Atlantic Fellows programs.
Support Us
Support Us
GBHI welcomes partners in philanthropy to secure the long-term sustainability of this unique program.
About the Fellowship Program
About the Program
The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program provides innovative training, networking, and support to emerging leaders focused on improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia.
Program Experience
Program Experience
The program experience is designed to provide fellows with experiences that build knowledge, enhance skills, reinforce values, and cultivate a community of well-networked global brain health leaders.
Approach to Learning
Approach to Learning
Through a shared curriculum and common immersive experiences, the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program is designed to be a transformative learning experience.
Content and Structure
Clinical and Lived Experiences
Content and Structure
The content and structure of the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program are built around four pillars: Curriculum, Leadership, Mentorship, and Clinical and Lived Experiences.
Site Opportunities
Site Opportunities
GBHI is informed by a common approach and program structure, but enriched by the unique aspects and expertise of UCSF and Trinity.
Lifelong Fellowship
Lifelong Fellowship
Becoming an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health doesn’t end on completion of the program.
Apply to Fellowship
French Fondation Alzheimer Atlantic Fellowship
Apply to Fellowship
The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program is an opportunity to elevate your impact and contribution to brain health.
Postdoctoral Program in Brain Health Equity
Postdoctoral Program in Brain Health Equity
GBHI and the UCSF Memory and Aging Center (MAC) offers postdoctoral program in Brain Health Equity.
Pilot Projects
Pilot Projects Directory
Pilot Projects
The Pilot Awards for Global Brain Health Leaders aim to support emerging leaders in brain health, aging, and dementia by funding small-scale pilot projects.
GBHI Projects
GBHI Projects Directory
GBHI Projects
Led by GBHI faculty and community members, GBHI Projects aspire to use innovations and collaborations to tackle ambitious, complicated challenges.
Artistic Initiatives
Artistic Initiatives
The GBHI community is engaged in a wide range of artist-led initiatives exploring brain health and dementia.
Advocacy Initiatives
Advocacy Initiatives
Through a diverse mix of disciplines, perspectives, and approaches, GBHI strives to improve brain health by advocating for brain health.
News & Events
Stories about dementia and care from the GBHI community.
Viewpoints on brain health and dementia from the GBHI community
Published works about brain health from the GBHI community.
Happenings for the GBHI community
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Who We Are
UCSF & Trinity Collaboration
Our Leadership
Annual Report
Work With Us
Our Approach
The Global Problem
Our Impact
Equity and Brain Health
Protect Your Brain Health
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Contact Us
Our Network
Fellows Directory
Faculty & Staff Directory
Faculty Expertise
Partners & Collaborators
Atlantic Fellows Programs
Support Us
About the Fellowship Program
Program Experience
Approach to Learning
Content and Structure
Clinical and Lived Experiences
Site Opportunities
Lifelong Fellowship
Apply to Fellowship
French Fondation Alzheimer Atlantic Fellowship
Postdoctoral Program in Brain Health Equity
Pilot Projects
Pilot Projects Directory
GBHI Projects
GBHI Projects Directory
Artistic Initiatives
Advocacy Initiatives
News & Events